Company IMS Policy

As a business, we are committed to providing exceptional services to make Client grow by understanding market dynamics and consumer nuances across different categories. We are committed to grow with Client by solving their business needs using our consulting capabilities and developed framework

This we achieve by:

•        Implementing Integrated Management System that ensures compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Standards and 20252:2019 Research Management.

•        To comply with applicable statutory and regulatory requirement

•        Improving continually, the Integrated Management System in line with ISO 9001: 2015 and 20252:2019 Research Management requirements which serves as a framework for establishing and reviewing our quality objectives on a periodic basis to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of our processes;

•        Creating and ensuring quality delivery within our organization on the importance of meeting Client as well as statutory and regulatory requirements;

•        Continually improving our services and employee performance;

•        Ensuring a conducive environment for the creation of innovative ideas.

•        To communicate quality objective throughout the organization and to all interested parties.

•        To train and develop all personnel within the organization in ensuring that competency is achieved.

This policy shall be reviewed for continuous suitability and effectiveness at management review as required and appropriate. This policy shall be subject to continual improvement through regular communication, awareness, audit, reviews and taking corrective actions.

Statement of applicability

            Pierrine is committed to providing a high quality, professional and efficient services which are:

·        Consulting services for our Clients

·        Providing Market Research services

·        Developing the appropriate research methodology and approach on projects

·        Creating innovative tools in generating data

·        Ensuring high quality and accurate data is gathered

·        Conducting workshop to disseminate research findings/ insights

·        Confidentiality of works conducted for Client

All clauses of the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 20252:2019 standards are applicable to Pierrine consulting.

All annexes are in conformity with requirements of ISO 20252:2019.

Attestation is achieved by the PIERRINE as the core requirements and the following annexes, including all requirements cross-referenced to other annexes, are met:

·       Annex A — Sampling including access panels;

·       Annex B — Fieldwork;

·       Annex C — Physical observation;

·       Annex D ­­—Digital observation

·       Annex E — Self completion;

·       Annex F— Data management and processing.

Pierrine has applied all the above Annexes A to F in the SoA. Any additional requirements specified in these Annexes directly apply to subcontracted services. PIERRINE conforms to all these Annexes.

Any communication of the attestation clearly and unambiguously states the titles of annexes the PIERRINE is in conformity with.

·       The SoA mentions the attested scope by Annex name and number as per ISO 2052:2019 or as a clear and unambiguous declaration of which services are included and excluded from the scope.

·       The SoA includes all subcontracted services.

·       The SoA is authorized and signed/ attested by senior management representing PIERRINE.

·       PIERRINE makes the SoA available to clients and other stakeholders at all times (e.g. on a web page).

·       The SoA is subject to assessment against ISO 20252:2019.

·       PIERRINE has not used subjective, marketing or redundant phrases within the SoA, such as ‘high research’, ‘tremendous’, ‘largest global organization’ or ‘highly accurate’.

The SoA is reviewed (at least) annually to determine the need for change and to ensure the details are accurate.